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endorsements and assessment


Here we have compiled recent endorsements and evaluations of our Peace Literacy Curriculum and Professional Development Workshops, including a formal study sponsored by Oregon State University.

In mid-October 2021 we had the privilege of spending three days in workshops with leaders of the Abrahamic Reunion—a dedicated group working in Israel and Palestine to help Jewish, Christian, and Muslim youth recognize their shared history and humanity in the figure of Abraham. They were particularly interested in the Peace Literacy curriculum on aggression that we present in virtual reality – they are looking for new tools to help with deradicalization and peacebuilding. The workshop went very well! We are now working with them to translate the Peace Literacy VR software into Arabic and Hebrew. You can download a pdf of some of their endorsements here. We've also put together this 2 min. video of their feedback.

PLI Abrahamic Reunion Photo Oct 2021.png

And here is some feedback and endorsements from our Dec. 2019 Engineering Peace in Practice Workshop at Oregon State University.

Check out the feedback and endorsements from our 2019 Summer Peace Literacy Workshop in Corvallis, Oregon.

recent press coverage
  • NEW! Coverage of our year-long Peace Literacy training and research project with educators in Cleveland, OH.

  • Interview with Paul K. Chappell in the November 2021 issue of The Sun magazine.

  • Interview on Nonviolence Radio with Paul K. Chappell in his role as a soldier of peace, hosted by the Metta Center for Nonviolence, March 3, 2020.

  • Report in the Sun/Post from the Twin Cities, MN after a two-day workshop for 60 community members in June 2019, facilitated by Paul K. Chappell and Shari Clough.

  • “Peace Literacy: Changing the Paradigm to Create a Culture of Peace” May 2019, article in French written by Meredith McGuinnes from Winnipeg who has participated in a number of Peace Literacy workshops and weaves Peace Literacy in to early childhood education (to contact her with questions about teaching Peace Literacy to young children email her at:; to read the entire issue, visit INFORM-ACTION Revue des Educatrices et educateurs Francophones du Manitoba).

  • Here’s an English translation of Meredith’s article, above.

  • “Peace Literacy: Are we ready for virtual reality?” follow-up story in the Vincennes, Indiana newspaper, Sun-Commercial, April 2019.

  • The Interfaith Observer highlights our Peace Literacy curriculum for kids, April 2019.

  • 'This message is for everybody:' Local Rotary hosts peace-building speaker Paul Chappell (Vincennes, Indiana newspaper, Sun-Commercial, March 2019).

  • After Paul, Shari, and Susan gave a day-long “Peace Literacy Jumpstart” workshop with teachers and over 100 ninth grade students at the UNESCO high school in Olds, AB, the local newspaper interviewed 2 students and also did an interview with Paul (Olds Albertan, November 2018).
  • In Oct. 2017, Paul Chappell was invited to share his story "How I went from Potential Mass Shooter to Peace Educator" on Huffington's online Thrive Global.

help sustain our work

The Peace Literacy Institute designs curricular materials that anyone can download and use for free to support Peace Literacy in their schools and communities. We also provide education rates for our workshops so teachers can make the most effective use of the curriculum.


Donations make it possible for us to provide this public service.


Your contribution will sustain our work to spread Peace Literacy during a time when humanity needs it the most.

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