Shari Clough, Ph.D.
Peace Literacy Curriculum Coordinator and President, PLI Board of Directors
Shari Clough, Ph.D., is our Peace Literacy Curriculum Coordinator. She earned an interdisciplinary doctorate in History and Philosophy of Science at Simon Fraser University in 1997. She has an M.A. in Religious Studies, and a B.A. (Hons) in Social Psychology, both from the University of Calgary. She began working at Oregon State University in 2003 and is now Professor of Philosophy, and serves as Director of Phronesis Lab: Experiments in Engaged Ethics. Phronesis is Greek for “practical wisdom.” According to Aristotle, wisdom isn’t something you have, it’s something you do. Clough believes Peace Literacy to be the ultimate expression of phronesis.
Clough is a graduate of the 2017 Peace Literacy Summer workshop and has co-facilitated workshops with Chappell across the US and Canada, online, and increasingly, in virtual reality. She teaches a senior seminar at OSU called Science, Politics, and Peace Literacy and she has also developed a Peace Literacy lesson plan on aggression that she has taught numerous times to high school and college students. She and Chappell have also compiled an extensive lesson plan targeting three main areas of Peace Literacy for use in 6-12th grade as well as higher education settings.
As Peace Literacy Curriculum Coordinator, she leads a team at OSU that works with educators across the US and Canada to tailor Peace Literacy curricula to meet the needs of teachers from K-12 through to adult and higher education. Additionally, she collects lesson plans, and a compendium of group projects, in-class exercises, assignments, and community activities from educators who already use Peace Literacy materials in their classes. If you have any of your own work that you'd like to share, contact her at sharicloughATpeaceliteracy.org
help sustain our work
The Peace Literacy Institute designs curricular materials that anyone can download and use for free to support Peace Literacy in their schools and communities. We also provide education rates for our workshops so teachers can make the most effective use of the curriculum.
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Your contribution will sustain our work to spread Peace Literacy during a time when humanity needs it the most.